Only students regularly enrolled in the Cell and Tissue Biology Program may request institutional scholarships (CAPES ME-DR; CNPq ME); such students advisor must be up-to-date with the Program’s office of Graduate Studies regarding the delivery of material for the Annual CAPES Report.
· Scholarship applications from students with employment relationships of any kind will not be reviewed. The student and advisor must declare the absence of any such relationship. The Advisor – not the Scholarship Commission – shall be responsible for the information given by the students relating to the full-time fulfillment and absence of employment relationship or professional activity of any kind. If bad faith is detected in the completion of data in this regard, the scholarship, if awarded, will be canceled immediately, the advisor will lose the right to apply for new scholarships from the program, and the student will be required to reimburse the amounts to CAPES/CNPq.
· In addition, scholarship recipients must meet the following requirements already in force, determined by the funding agencies: 1) full-time dedication to academic activities of his/her graduate program; 2) established residence in the locality where the course is held; 3) non-accumulation of a CAPES/CNPq scholarship with a scholarship from another CAPES program, from another funding agency, or national or international organizations; 4) not an employee or servant (teacher, researcher or technician) of the institution where the graduate program is held; 5) not a member of a medical residency program; 6) not retired or in a similar position.
· The granting of a Doctoral scholarship from the CNPq is subject to the advisor’s certification by that Institution, and may not be transferred to other programs or students of other programs, even if the advisor is duly certified.
· The Advisor must have research funding in force during the last three years (not necessarily continuous).
· The scholarship is granted for a period of one year, and maintenance thereof is subject to the academic performance evaluation of the scholarship recipient.
· In case of renewal, the student and advisor must be up-to-date with the Program’s Office of Graduate Studies in relation to the submission of the annual report of activities and presentations of papers in the Graduate Symposium.
Deadline for request
If it is of their interest, the advisor and student must submit a formal request (application) to this coordination office, of a specific form of the program, as soon as the results of the entrance exam are published.
Program Scholarship Application Form
Criteria for nomination and awarding of scholarships for Master’s Degree
For the indication and awarding of scholarships, the classification of students on the program entrance exam will be observed, with priority to the one who obtains the best score up to 3rd place, unless there is a surplus of scholarships.
Students who passed the selection exam in January:
· These students will be nominated to fill the quotas of institutional scholarships applied for in the period from January to July of that year (CAPES).
Students who passed the selection exam in July:
· These students will fill quotas for institutional scholarships requested from July to December (CNPq, CAPES Pró-Reitoria) of that year.
· If there is availability, i.e., if the is a surplus of scholarships in any given semester, students from previous semesters not awarded with scholarships can then be selected, obeying the classification criteria in the entrance exam.