
Excelência em Ensino e Pesquisa

PAE Program


The PAE Program is aimed at improving the training of graduate students for undergraduate teaching activities and fully carried out at the University of São Paulo.
The PAE Program is comprised of two stages, the first being the “Educational Preparation Stage,” a pre-requisite for the second stage, “Supervised Internship in Teaching.”

The stage of Educational Preparation in the ICB consists of teaching, whether previously or concomitantly, a course belonging to the list of courses of an educational nature, recognized by the PAE Program Coordination office. This first stage can be carried out in other Graduate Programs at USP, provided they are formally recognized by the PAE Program Coordination office.

If the course or activity of the Educational Preparation Stage has been taught in Programs outside the ICB, it is the responsibility of the CPG of the Teaching Unit where the activity was carried out to issue a voucher explaining that the activity or course is part of the activities of Educational Preparation prescribed for this unit’s PAE program.

·      This stage consists of teaching a course belonging to the list authorized by the PAE Program.

·      Registrations should be made in FenixWeb, during the regular registration period defined by USP.

·      The Educational Preparation should be performed prior to or concomitantly with the Supervised Internship.

·      The educational preparation step may be performed in other Programs offered by the USP and recognized by the PAE Coordinating Committee. Activities conducted outside of the University of São Paulo will not be accepted.

List of courses authorized by the Coordination Commission of the PAE/ICB Program:

BMH.5747 – Advanced Topics in Cell and Tissue Biology I *
BMH.5749 – Advanced Topics in Cell and Tissue Biology II *
BMH.5752 – Fundamentals of Tissue Biology
ICB.5700 – Educational Strategies in Teaching Biomedical Sciences.
ICB.5702 – Molecular bases of cellular functions

* A prerequisite of these courses is that the student must have previously taken Course BMH5752 or ICB5702


Frequency: The PAE Program has a semesterly frequency, the first semester runs from February to June and the second semester from July to November.

Maximum Weekly Work Load: The intern must not exceed the limit of 6 hours per week of PAE activity.

Activities: It is permissible for the intern, under the supervision of the professor in charge, to participate in seminars, laboratory experiments, directed studies and discussion of topics in small groups, as well as to organize and participate in on-duty sessions to clarify doubts and carry out tests and exercises, being strictly forbidden to substitute the professor in the classroom.

FAPESP Scholarship recipients: must submit authorization from the agency to participate in the Supervised Teaching Internship, regardless of participation with or without financial aid.

FINAL REPORT: At the close of activities on the internship per se, all interns – whether scholarship recipients or not – and their respective supervisors must submit the final reports to the PAE Program Coordination Office of the Department where the internship was carried out. If the report does not receive a passing grade, the intern will not be entitled to the PAE certificate. If the intern is the recipient of a CAPES scholarship, s/he will have to repeat the activity, without pay, to meet the requirements of that agency.

Intern’s form:
Supervisor’s form:

RENEWAL OF INTERNSHIP: The student may request the renewal of the internship period, provided that it is in another undergraduate course. Students who have already obtained financial aid from the PAE Program on two opportunities may undertake the internship only as unpaid Volunteers.

VOLUNTEER INTERNSHIP: Students who have had their enrollments deferred by the Coordinating Commission of the PAE Program, but have not been named to receive financial aid, may carry out the internship in the quality of Volunteer Internship. Thus, interested students must formally request voluntary participation from the PAE Program Commission within the established time limit.

CERTIFICATE OF INTERNSHIP: Paid and/or volunteer interns whose final reports have received a passing grade shall be entitled to the Certificate of participation in the PAE Program, issued by the Central Coordination Office of the PAE Program. The interns in situations of renewal will be entitled to a Declaration issued by the PAE Program Commission.

Students of the ICB – The form containing the internship project, duly completed and signed by the student and PAE internship supervisor, along with the consent of the graduate advisor, must be submitted to the ICB’s Office of Graduate Studies which the student is associated.

Students in Other USP Programs – The form containing the internship project, duly completed and signed by the student and the PAE internship supervisor, with the consent of the graduate advisor, student sheet issued by the Fenix System, and proof of the educational preparation stage issued by the PAE Program Coordination where the activity was carried out, must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies responsible for the undergraduate course.

PAE Enrollment Form:

a) The Coordinating Commission of the PAE Program /ICB will indicate, among those enrolled, the scholarship recipients who will receive monthly financial aid (calculated based on the hourly wage of the category of MS-2 Assistant professor, Part Time).

b) FAPESP scholarship recipients may apply for financial aid, provided it does not exceed the limit of 15% of the Doctoral I scholarship, granted by the Foundation (maximum of 4 hours per week).

c)   Students who are employed by the University of São Paulo may not receive financial aid;

d)   Basic criteria for granting financial aid:

1.       students with first enrollment in the PAE Program;

2.       preference to students belonging to the Graduate Programs of the ICB;

3.       preference to students who are recipients of CAPES/Social Demand scholarship and non-scholarship students with no employment relationship;

4.       preference to renewals of students who carried out unpaid PAE internships;

5.       distribution of students in the courses, per class (group) and supervisor.

e)      The financial aid may be granted to each student for up to two semesters, including Master’s Degree, for the cases of Doctorate.

In case of withdrawal or cancellation of a paid intern, such intern may be replaced and, therefore, the first name indicated on the list of volunteer interns that has legal conditions to receive paid assistance will be appointed as his/her replacement.
Termination from the PAE, in the sage of Supervised Internship in Teaching, may occur before the end of the activities, as a result of:
a) suspension of enrollment, dropout, or completion of the program;

b) non-fulfillment of hours of internship agreed upon in the statement of commitment;

c) non-compliance with the plan.

In case of interruption of stage of Supervised Internship in Teaching or termination, the PAE Program Commission must be notified immediately.

In case of termination from the PAE Program, the student immediately loses Monthly Financial Aid.

The intern must send the report of the activities undertaken up to the date of their termination, as well as his/her supervisor.