
Excelência em Ensino e Pesquisa

Deadlines/Course Credits

· The deadlines for submitting the documents are as follows:

– Master’s Thesis: thirty (30) months.
– Doctoral Dissertation: sixty (60) months.
– Doctoral Dissertation, without previous obtainment of Master’s Degree (Direct Doctorate): 72 (seventy-two) months.

1. Candidates for Master’s degree must complete at least 96 (ninety-six) credits, as follows:

  • a minimum of 32 (thirty-two) credits in courses (units or modules);
  • 64 (sixty-four) credits related to preparation of the Master’s Thesis.

2. Candidates for the Doctorate without prior obtainment of a Master’s Degree (Direct Doctorate), must complete at least 192 (one hundred ninety-two) credits, as follows:

  • a minimum of 56 (fifty-six) credits in courses (units or modules);
  • 136 (one hundred thirty-six) credits related to preparation of the Doctoral Dissertation.

3. Candidates for Doctoral degree who already hold a Master’s Degree must complete at least 160 (one hundred sixty) credits, as follows:

  • a minimum of 24 (twenty-four) credits in courses (units or modules);
  • 136 (one hundred thirty-six) credits related to preparation of the Doctoral Dissertation.

4. Maximum number of credits that can be assigned as special credits within the limit of 50% of the mandatory credits.

  • Master’s degree 16 credits
  • Direct Doctorate  28 credits
  • Doctorate w/ Master’s Degree 12 credits

1 – Obtaining credits through planned activities


 Levels Limit of 50%
Master’s degree 16 credits
Direct Doctorate 28 credits
Doctorate w/ Master’s Degree 12 credits

I. CONGRESSES AND SIMILAR EVENTS – According to CPG resolution on 24 April 2008, up to a maximum of two events per year.

Type of participation Scope of the Event
National International
Poster (with record in proceedings or similar publication) Note: Poster w/ oral presentation, add + 1 credit 1 (joint)* 2 (lead author) 1 (co-author) (joint)**
Participation at the invitation of the organization (with proof) 1 (joint)** 1 (joint)**
Award obtained (with proof) 1 (joint)** 1 (joint)**
Scope of events (Congresses and Similar):

NATIONAL – promoted by scientific societies and federations with national coverage.

INTERNATIONAL – promoted by national and international scientific organizations with participation of at least 50% foreign members.


Maximum attribution
Type of Publication Indexed

Lead Author                      Co-author

Complete Paper 6 credits 4 credits 2 credits


Types Maximum attribution
Chapters in Books and Manuals 4 credits


Number of participations
Level 1 semester 2 or more semesters
Master’s degree 6 credits 0
Direct Doctorate 6 credits 5 credits
Doctorate w/ Master’s Degree 4 credits 0

The inclusion of the studies necessary for Master’s Degree and Doctoral degree will be expressed in units of Credit. The Credit unit equals fifteen hours of scheduled activities.

·        Isolated Credits – obtained prior to joining the Program and inclusion thereof shall result in retroaction of the regimental deadline from the beginning of the first course utilized.

·        External credits (Article 78 of USP’s Rules on Post-Graduate Studies) – courses taken in degree-based (“strictu-sensu”) Post-Graduate Programs recommended by CAPES, non-USP, including UNICAMP and UNESP. Credits will be granted by the CPG/ICB upon submission of the final evaluation and syllabus of the course issued by the institution of origin.

Maximum limit of attribution will be one third of the credits required in courses for each level:

Master’s Degree      Direct Doctorate      Doctorate w/ Master’s Degree

10 credits                 18 credits                8 credits


– can be computed for purposes of Doctorate, but with the retroaction of the deadline from the date of the defense of the Master’s thesis.

Important Note: Students in the phase of defending their Master’s degree who have active enrollment in a course must apply for cancellation thereof within the period prescribed on the schedule or complete the course prior to defending the degree.

·      Credits up to the limit of 1/3 can also be attributed to the student who, although having entirely fulfilled a Master’s program outside USP, has not – for whatever reason – obtained equivalence of the respective degree. The utilization of these credits will not entail retroaction of the regimental deadline.
·      Credits obtained in graduate courses held during the Scientific Initiation Program recognized by the CPG/ICB may be computed in the set needed to obtain the master’s or doctoral degree, provided the student is admitted in one of these Programs within a maximum period of three years after completion of the course.


The CPG/ICB may grant the attribution of credits, up to the limit of 50% of the minimum number of credits required in courses, to students that develop during the period in which they are regularly enrolled in the Graduate Program:

Table – Maximum limit for attribution of credits

Levels Limit of 50%
Master’s degree 16 credits
Direct Doctorate 28 credits
Doctorate w/ Master’s degree 12 credits

The CPG/ICB will evaluate the credits according to the following criteria:

I. CONGRESSES AND SIMILAR EVENTS – The CPG/ICB will evaluate the credits according to the following criteria:

1) Type of participation:
a)   Poster (with record in proceedings or similar publication);

b)   Oral presentation (with proof);

c)   Participation at the invitation of the organization (with proof);

d)   Award obtained (with proof).

2) Scope of events (Congresses and Similar Events)
o     LOCAL/INTERNAL – promoted by educational and/or research institutions, characterized as a scientific meeting, to the local community.

o     NATIONAL – promoted by scientific societies and federations, with national coverage.

o     INTERNATIONAL – promoted by national and international scientific organizations, with participation of at least 50% of foreign members.

Documentation required:
– Proof of participation in the Event, containing the type/modality of participation;

– Copy of the Publication in Proceedings or Similar.
– Consent of the Advisor;
– Manifestation from the Program’s Coordination Office.

1) Type of Publication: National or International; indexed in Current Content; Scientific Release.

2) Type of Paper: Complete, Summary, Lead author or co-author.

Documentation required:
– Separate reprint (offprint) of the publication, containing: complete name of the periodical, publication date, pagination, publisher and country.

– Consent of the Advisor;
– Manifestation from the Program’s Coordination Office.

a) Only requests whose article has already been published will be analyzed by the CPG/ICB. Articles merely submitted or accepted for publication will not be considered.

b) In the absence of offprint, a copy of the journal cover and complete copy of the published article must be attached.

c) In the case of Books and Manuals, a copy of the cover, title page and all the pages corresponding to the published paper must be attached.
III. TUTORING AND MONITORING  – conducted with undergraduate students. Mentoring or monitoring activities should be performed in accordance with the General Rules of the USP.

IV INTERNSHIPS AND EXTRA-CURRICULAR PROGRAMS – Students must obtain prior permission from the CPG/ICB for these activities.

The evaluation will be made based on merit of the activity developed and will take into consideration geographical distance:

·     In the same geographic region
·      National – outside one’s geographic region
·      International – excluding sandwich internships

Documentation required:
a) For prior authorization:
– Letter of acceptance to carry out the internship, issued by the destination institution or enrollment institution for participation in the Program.
– Internship plan or program syllabus, containing the work load.

b) For attribution of credits for the activity performed:

– Certificate, Attestation or Declaration from the institution where the Internship was held, containing the total workload and assessment, if any.

– Certificate, Attestation or Statement issued by the Institution promoting the Course, containing the total workload, frequency and final evaluation, if any.

V EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM – PAE – Participants in the Supervised Internship of the PAE Program can attribute a maximum of 20% of the minimum credits in courses:
Program                                     1 semester                   2 or more semesters
Master’s Degree                         6 credits                       0
Direct Doctorate                          6 credits                       5 credits
Doctorate   w/Master’s degree    4 credits                       0

Documentation required:
– Certificate or Declaration of the PAE Program issued by the PAE Program Coordination Committee.

– Credit Attribution Application Form