
Excelência em Ensino e Pesquisa

Graduate Program


The Graduate Program in Cell and Tissue Biology (known by the Portuguese acronym PBC&T) was established in 1996, based on the reformulation of the former Graduate Program in Histology, which was created in March 1972 and accredited at the Master’s and Doctoral levels by the Federal Council of Education in 1975 (Pronouncement 68.75 of 23 January 1975).

After this reformulation, the PBC&T became a Program with a predominantly multidisciplinary focus, incorporating new faculty advisors, lines of research, and courses/modules, making the system more dynamic and current. From 1998 to 2012, the Program has an average of 24 accredited advisors/year that graduated 146 Master´s students and 141 doctoral students. Our Graduate Program students have published innumerable papers , 60% of which in international journal. The programs, maintains cycles of seminars on topics at the frontier of knowledge, coordinates and participates in 36 departmental courses and 5 interdepartmental courses, participates in the  in the Undergraduate Teaching Assistanship program (PAE) encourages the students’ participation in extra-curricular activities and  international exchange programs.



Our Graduate Program aims to nurture and form independent researchers qualified for academic and  industry careers. Thus, we have concentrated our efforts to provide the best environment for Graduate Studies by taking a multidisciplinary approach with an  internationalized Program.