
Excelência em Ensino e Pesquisa

Dr. Jarbas Arruda Bauer


The research activities have concentrated on the study of the “trigeminal system” (trigeminal nerve and trigeminal pathways in the central nervous system), emphasizing questions of hodology, synaptic connections, neurotransmitters and patterns of innervation in different anatomical territories. The methodology  includes transmission electron microscopy, anterograde and retrograde neuronal tracers, as well as immunohistochemistry of neurotransmitters.


CA Casatti, CF Elias, LV Sita, L. Frigo, VCG Furlani, Bauer, J.A. and JC Bittencourt. Distribution of melanin-concetranting hormone neurons projeting to the medial mammillary nucleus. Neuroscience (Vol.115, n.3  899-915), 2002.

Cassati, C.A.; Frigo ,L. & Buer, J.A. Origin of sensory and autonomic innervation of the rat temporomandibular Joint: A retrograde axonal tracing study with the fluorescent dye fast blue. Journal Dental Research – aceito para publicação, 1998.

Lapa, R.C.R.S.; Lindsay, C. & Bauer, J.A. A comparative and ultrastructural study  of synaptic contacts established by primary sensory fibers in the spinal trigeminal nucleus of the rat. Tissue and Cell, 28 (5): 569-576, 1996.

Paik, S.H.; Camarão, G.C.; Bauer, J.A.; Leite, P.E.P.; Camargo, A.C.M. & Farges, R. Effects of morphine withdrawal syndrome on endo oligopeptidase (EC 34221) activity. European Journal of Pharmacology, 253: 101-106, 1994.

Loureiro Sato, E.F.L.; Antoniazzi, J.H. & Bauer, J.A. Morphologic study of tissue changes occurring in the apical third and periapex of  rat molars after endodontic treatment performed under different occlusal conditions. Brasilian Dental Journal, 5 (2): 135 -139, 1994.