The research developed in this laboratory basically aims to study the biology of tumor cells. It focuses the correlation between phenotypic characteristics, DNA alteration and cell proliferation in normal cells and their changes during malignant transformation. The meaning of DNA ploidy in human breast cancer in the illness prognosis has been analyzed regarding the amplification of cyclin genes and other oncogenes . Changes in these genes have also been analyzed in “in vitro” systems by using human breast cells, either normal or bearing different transformation degrees. On the other hand, we also focus the role of micronucleus as an structure related to the cell transformation through aneuploidy induction. The factors that influence the carcinogenesis process and their way of action are also being evaluated by the micronucleus meaning in the biology of different cell types “in vitro” and “in vivo”.
Rangel M , Prado MP, Konno, K, Naoki, K, Freitas JC, Machado-Santelli, GM. Cytoskeleton alterations induced by Geodia corticostylifera depsipeptides in breast cancer cells. Peptides. (no prelo, 2006)
Siviero, F., Freitas, P. R., Andrade, A., Machado-Santelli, GM, Santelli, R. V. Analysis of expressed sequence tags from Rhynchosciara americana. Insect Molecular Biology 15 (2): 109-118, APR 2006
Naves, J. L., Prado, MP, Rangel, M., Sanctis, B., Machado-Santelli, GM, Freitas, JC. Cytotoxicity in the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum mexicanum from Brazil. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology , v 143(1): 73-77, 2006.
Granato, Daniela C.; Gonzales, Fernando A.; Luz, Juliana S.; Cassiola Daniel C.; Machado-Santelli, GM.; Oliveira, Carla C. Nop53p, an essential nucleolar protein that interacts with Nop17p and Nip7p, is required for pre-rRNA processing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEBS Journal, v. 272, n. 17, 4450-4463, 2005.
Dias, V.M., Manelli-Oliveira, R.. Machado-Santelli G.M. Using fluorescence for improvement of the quantitative analysis of micronucleus in cell culture. Mutat Res. 2005 Jan 3, 565 (2):173-179.
Patricia, P., Issa,, H. J., Machado-Santelli, GM, Celia, J. M., Henrique-Silva, F. DSCR2, a Down syndrome critical region protein, is localized to the endoplasmic reticulum of mammalian cells.. European Journal of Histochemistry. , 2004. Jul-Sep;48(3):267-272.
Prado, M. P., Torres, Y. R., Berlinck, R., Desidera, C., Sanchez, M. A., Craveiro, M. V., Hajdu, E., Rocha, R. M., Machado-Santelli, GM. Effects of marine organism extracts on microtubules integrity and cell cycle progression in cultured cells. Journal Experimental Marine Biology Ecology, 2004, 313 (1): 125-137.
Cerqueira, E. de M. M., Gomes-Filhob, I. S., Trindade, S., Lopes, M. A., Passos, J. S., Machado-Santelli, GM. Genetic Damage in exfoliated cells from oral mucosa of individual exposed to X-ray during panoramic radiographies. Mutation Research-Environmental Mutagenesis and Related Subjects., 2004, 562 (1-2) :111 – 117.
Santelli, R. V., Siviero, F., Machado-Santelli, GM, Lara, F. J. S., Stocker, A. J. Molecular characterization of the B-2 DNA puff of Rhynchosciara americana. Chromosoma., 2004,113: 167-176.
Santelli, R. V., Siviero, F., Machado-Santelli, GM, Lara, F. J. S., Stocker, A. J. Molecular characterization of the B-2 DNA puff of Rhynchosciara americana. Chromosoma, 2004 ( ahead on line)
Cabado, R.; Machado-Santelli, GM. Analysis and three- trimensional reconstruction of microscope images: an innovating methodology. Acta Microscopica, 2004, 12 (1) : 55-58.
Gonçalves, C. R., Antonini, S., Vianamorgante, A.M., Machado-Santelli, GM, Bevilacqua, E. Developmental changes in the ploidy of mouse implanting trophoblast cellsin vitro. Histochemistry Cell Biology, 2003, 119 (3): 189-198.
Lorenzini, D. M., Fukusawa, A. H., Silva Jr, P. I., Machado-Santelli, GM, Bijovsky, A. T., Daffre, S. Molecular cloning, expression analysis and cellular localization of gomesin, an anti-microbial peptide from hemocytes of spider Acanthoscurria gomesian. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2003, 33:1011 – 1016.
Pfister, S C, Machado-Santelli, G. M., Han, S W, Henriquesilva, F. Mutational analyses of the signals involved in the subcellular location of DSCRI. Bmc Cell Biology, 2002, v.3, art. 27.
Traversa, E; Machado-Santelli, GM; Velasco, M. V. R.. Influência do método de depilação na espessura da epiderme de animais tratados com papaina. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Farmacêuticas, 38 (1) :100-104.
Cabado, Roberto, Machado-Santelli, GM. Analysis and three- trimensional reconstruction of microscope images: an innovating methodology. Acta Microscópica. Brasil: , v.suppl, p.103 – 104, 2001.
Manelli-Oliveira, R., Machado-Santelli, GM. Cytoskeletal and nuclear alterations in human lung tumor cells: a confocal microcospe study.. Histochemistry and Cell Biology. 2001,115: 403 – 411, 2001.
Cerqueira, E.M.M.; Santoro, C.L.; Donozo, N.F.; Freitas,B.A, de Bragança Pereira, C.A.; Bevilacqua, R.G. & Machado-Santelli,G.M. Genetic damage in exfoliated cells of the uterine cervix:association and interaction between cigarette smoking and the progression to malignant transformation? Acta Cytologica, 42: 619-649,1998.
Matsui, D.H. & Machado-Santelli,G.M. Alterations in F-actin distribution in cells treated with melatonin. Journal of Pineal Research, 23: 169-175, 1997.
Machado-Santelli; G.M. ”MUTAGENICIDADE e CARCINOGENICIDADE”, pg 71-84, em “Fundamentos de Toxicologia”, editado por Seizi Oga,. Atheneu Editora S.Paulo Ltda., 1996- Capitulo de livro.
Lotfi, C.F.P. & Machado-Santelli, G.M., Comparative analysis of colchicine induced micronuclei in different cell types in vitro. Mutation Research, 349(1): 77-83, 1996.