
Excelência em Ensino e Pesquisa

Dr. Eugênia Costanzi-Strauss

The Gene Transfer and Cell Cycle Manipulation Lab is active in the field of cancer and the main orientation is the study of the G1-S transition in the transformed cell cycle. A major part of our research effort has been aimed at elucidating the roles of the Rb (cyclin D/CDK4/p16INK4a) and p53 (cyclin E(A)/CDK2/p21WAF1,CIP1) pathways as targes for mutation in transformed cells.

We have continued our previous studies of in vivo and in vitro transfer of tumor suppressor genes in a glioblastoma model. Currently, we are assessing the mechanisms of p16INK4a and p21WAF1,CIP1 growth suppressive function by pCL-retrovirus transfer in a relevant animal model.

Hsiao, M.; Tso, V.; Carmel, J.; Costanzi, E.; Strauss, B.; Haas, M. & Silverberg, G.D. Functional expression of p21 (WAF1/Cip1) gene in rat glioblastoma cells suppreasses tumor growth in vivo and induces radio sensitivity. Biochem. and Biophys Res. Comm., 233(2): 329-335, 1996.

Naviaux, R.K.; Costanzi, E.; Haas, M. & Verma, I. The pCL vector system: rapid production of helper-free, high-titer, recombinant retroviruses. J. Virol, 70(8): 5701-5705, 1997.

Costanzi-Straus, E.; Strauss, B.E.; Naviaux, R.K. & Haas, M. Restoration of cell-growth arress by p16, p21, pRb and p53 is dependent on the integrity of the endogenous cell-cycle control pathways in human glioblastoma cell lines. Exp. Cell Res., 238: 51-62, 1998.