
Excelência em Ensino e Pesquisa

Undergraduate Teaching

The Department teaches courses in Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology to students of the Medical School (Medical, Physical Rehabilitation, Speech Therapy students), Dental School (daytime and night courses), Veterinary School, Pharmacy School (daytime and night courses), Nurses School, Physical Education, Public Health School (Nutrition students), Biology School (daytime and night courses), and Molecular Sciences Course. There are in average 1,050 students during the first half-year and 650 in the second.

The Department uses for lectures and labs three classrooms. Each has 50 binocular microscopes and TV circuit system coupled to a computer which has CD ROM and TV camera for transmission of images of tissue sections, light micrographs and electron micrographs.

Lectures are followed by lab classes where the students use slide collections that allow the students to study the basic knowledge of the structure of cells, tissues and organs. Ultrastructure is studied with electron micrographs and visits to the Department’s electron microscopes.